Monday, 30 November 2015


 The first character that I decided to focus on is Eve. Eve is the boyfriend of Adam and the tenant of the house owned by Ular. She is ultimately temped by the temptations of Ular and is the main reason for the downfall of Adam. She is meant to be the modern representation of Eve from the Genesis story from the Bible.  For the character, we made it sure that they were made to look underprivileged. Whilst we didn't want them to look extremely poor, we made sure that she wasn't allowed to wear nice clothes in order to contrast with the more affluent Ular. This would allow us to make sure that it would seem likely for her to be tempted by Ular due to the way in which she is dressed and her own individual social class.In using theoretical frameworks for Eve , Theodor Ardno's idea of false needs can be used to describe her. She very much wants things that she doesn't really need and this causes friction between her and Adam. In Adorno's own words, she is more satisfied with materialist objectives than her love of Adam.


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