Title: Power/Rangers
Dir: Joseph Khan
Plot summary: A grittier retelling of the Power Rangers
Accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw5vcUPyL90
Mis en scene: setting and location- the short film is set
sometime in the future in which the Power Rangers were disbanded and a war
rages on. The film has flashbacks to a more modern day period in which two of
the lead characters are gunned down by the bullies from the original TV show.
Mis en scene: iconography and props- For props, it tends to
use props typical in action movies such as guns and nun chucks. This is
primarily due to the hand to hand combat as well as for the battlefield
sequences that try to display. There is a very effective shot at the beginning
where you see a power ranger's helmet on the floor, displaying the intensity
thay goes on within war.
Mise-en-scène: colour and lighting- A large majority of the
film uses fairly dark lighting with a lot of the lighting coming from neon
signs. Much like another science fiction movie Blade Runner, it uses lighting
techniques very present within the neo-noir genre.
Editing: sound and vision- the short uses very quick edits,
especially for the fighting sequences in in order to portray the action better.
As stated before, it primarily uses dark colours, although it uses colour to
distinguish the rangers from each other e.g. the green ranger, the pink ranger.
It also uses more typical editing techniques such as shot reverse shot where
one character is interrogating another character.
Mis en scene: makeup and costume- Generally, the costumes are attempted to be
made somewhat futuristic. It takes inspiration from the original TV show but
attempts to make the costume more grittier and more grounded in reality. The
costumes take inspiration from Starship Troopers and other science fiction
films whilst combining it with the costumes from the original TV show.
Cinematography: The short uses a large number of tracking
shots in order to develop tension in some of the scenes that build up to the
action scenes. It also uses high and low angle shots in order to get a better
view of many of the action scenes
Title and credits: the movie generally abandons the use of
opening credits like many other short films. The only credit used in the
opening is when it says " a film by Joseph Khan". Like other short
films, it tends to abandon opening credits due to the fact that it takes up too
much time, whereas most short films tend to try and get to the "meat and
bone" of the film which its in own story. For this reason, it lacks
opening credits.
Appropriate research into short films but if you are now planning to make a trailer, you will have to go into that genre now!